
Sunday, March 14, 2004

Wuztup Jhonka!

How you do asshole? This post is for Sunday...damn me and procrastination + laziness. I HATE THE MAN!! Anywho... balls are being sucked right now. Yessirreee bob! Lemme see if i can remember what i had yesterday...you beeeacthes.

Aight....Anywho....i woke up at boot 3:30 in the afternoon cuz i was burning the midnight oil on sat. So i kinda skipped breakfast. For lunch i had leftover chinese=awesome like a bitch + bengal tiger. For dinner i had two slices of plain cheese pizza covered in garlic - parsley or whataver the fuck that green herb is + ground chioli pepper. Plus i won 5 bux in poker which payed for its loveliness. I fnd that pizza is one of the harder things to eat vegetarian style cuz there aare so many good meat toppings. Oh well...

shitty shitty shitty shitty shitty. ahahaha ha ha ah yah ha roodle doo. watch me jive. YOU MOTHERUCKIN ROBOTS!!

sorry about that you racists. keep it real....and awesome.

Peace out.

(not to be confused with Ringo...you know that guy...from that band.)

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